Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Meet the Little Yuxin ..... (2/2)

The little, Yuxin Xiaoli was born with a loosening skin. Her tiny face is full of wrinkles. The skin on her cheeks and chins drooped. She had even more sagging skin in other parts of her body.

Маленькая девочка выглядит как старушка

Przerażająca choroba! Ta "babcia" ma... 18 miesięcy

The little girl¿s face is covered with wrinkles, and the skin on her cheeks hangs. The skin on her body is even looser

Przerażająca choroba! Ta "babcia" ma... 18 miesięcy

Przerażająca choroba! Ta "babcia" ma... 18 miesięcy

Yuxin’s health is deteriorating ¾ she is suffering from a congenital heart disease, pneumonia and asthma, which recurring frequently these days.

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