Wednesday, January 28, 2015

ATP6V0A2 Gene …… Location

Cytogenetic Location: 12q24.31
Molecular Location: Base pairs 123,712,317 ~ 123,761,754 on chromosome 12

The ATP6V0A2 gene is located on the long (q) arm of chromosome 12 at position 24.31, precisely from the base pair 123,712,317 to base pair 123,761,754.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

ATP6V0A2 Gene ... Official Name

Official Name: ‘ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit a2’

Official symbol: ATP6V0A2 

The ATP6V0A2 gene is also known by the following name:

E  A2V-ATPase
E  ATP6a2
E  J6B7
E  Stv1
E  TJ6
E  TJ6s
E  Vph1

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Genes…… (2/2)

Most of the genes are the elements of fibers ¾ slender bundle of protein provide strength and flexibility to connective tissue throughout the body. Elastic fibers allow the skin to stretch ¾ the lungs to expand & contract and arteries to handle the pressure of blood flow.

The major component of elastic fibers ¾ Elastin ¾ is produced from ELN gene. Other critical proteins of elastic fibers are produced by the following genes:


Mutations in any of these gene hamper the formation, assembly or function of elastic fibers.

Now, a shortfall in elastic fibers weakens connective tissue in the skin, arteries, lungs and other organs. These mutations in connective tissue cause the major feature of ‘Cutis Laxa’ to a small percentage. Researcher suspects that mutation in other genes, which is yet to identify may also be responsible for Cutis Laxa.

The chances of Acquired Cutis Laxa (ACL) are very rare. Acquired Cutis Laxa (ACL) is caused by the destruction of normal elastic fibers and not by inheritance. Though the causes of ACL are unclear, but it may occur due to the side effect any medical treatment which remove copper from body.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Genes…… (1/2)

Cutis Laxa is caused by the mutation in the following genes:


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Inheritance .....

Most of the cases Cutis Laxa is inherited. There generally 3 types of forms of genetic inheritance…

E Sex Linked
E Autosomal Dominant
E Autosomal Recessive

The Autosomal Recessive form is the most common & severe.

The defective/mutated gene is carried on one of the sex chromosomes, in this case it is located on the X chromosome
Autosomal Dominant
Only one copy of the defective/mutated gene is enough to cause CL. A child has a 50% chance of inheriting the gene from either parent.
Autosomal Recessive
In this type the affected child must inherit two copies of the defective/mutated gene from both of its parent. The chance of transmitting an autosomal recessive disease is 25% for each pregnancy.

Monday, January 5, 2015

History .....

Historically, Cutis Laxa (CL) was often confused with EDS (Ehlers Danlos syndrome), until 1923, when E. Parkes Weber noted the clinical differences between these two condition.

The internal involvement and the systemic nature of CL were elucidated by Goltz and co-workers, who emphasized the phenomenon of generalized elastolysis in same patient.